In your budget planning, you should consider future energy and maintenance costs in addition to the purchase and installation of the floodlighting system. Although the initial cost is slightly higher, LED lights are the most economical and environmentally friendly option in the long run.
Unlike halogen floodlights, the light output produced by LEDs degrades very slowly. Often, the lifespan of LED sports field lighting ranges from 80,000 to 100,000 hours. This significantly reduces the maintenance costs of operating the sports facility because fewer bulbs or fixtures need to be replaced.
An LED floodlight consumes significantly less electricity than lighting with metal halide lamps. For example, LED lamps require about 35,000 watts to generate 300 to 400 lux. With halogen, about 70,000 watts are required. Depending on the number of hours the sports facility is used, this can save several thousand dollars a month.
Modern LED sports lighting systems for sports venues are, in many cases, computer controlled. For example, floodlights can be turned on automatically at fixed times. This saves on personnel costs. In many cases, modern lighting systems can now be controlled via a smartphone app. This allows access by different people as well as very a easy and uncomplicated use of the lighting.
With an LED floodlight, you can also rent out your sports field to other groups and clubs for training or games in the evening hours. You should consider both the electricity costs and the wear and tear of the illuminants when calculating the rental costs, but balance that against the revenue you can generate from those rentals.
It’s also advisable to install additional technology that may be required, such as surveillance cameras or loudspeakers on the poles, at the same time as the floodlight installation. This reduces the total installation costs for the sports field lighting infrastructure.
Post time: Nov-15-2021